Growing herbs is a must for anybody who likes to cook. They are expensive in the supermarket, and the selection is nothing like you can grow yourself. Some find it easier to buy single plants and create a container or bed with color and size but you can direct plant the seed as well. Have fun! Your perennial herbs will last for years.
One of biggest keys to success in organic gardening is the condition of the soil. There needs to be adequate organic matter to hold moisture and nutrients. And at the same time, the soil needs to be loose enough for good aeration and drainage, which will help promote strong root development.
It is easy to grow herbs if your soil has the proper nutrients. Topically all that is needed is ½-inch of finished compost added into your topsoil, along with Mega-Veggie, and mulch when plants are established.
If planting from seed: Plant after last anticipated frost date, 1/8-1/4” deep in rich soil, then water with seaweed solution. This will help germinate the seed and promote root growth. Space 9-12 apart. If planting in raised beds or containers, plant 9” on center.
If planting seedlings: If you choose to plant seedlings, start indoors 3 to 4 weeks before the last anticipated hard frost. Harden them off first if you are buying or growing starts. This is done by placing the seedlings in direct sun for an hour, then placing in the shade. Each following day increase the time in the sun by one hour; repeat this each day until they are in the sun for 6 to 8 hours, which will take a week or so. Make sure they don’t dry out.
If you know there is a chance of hard freeze, bring seedlings inside until freeze is over. When it is safe, leave seedlings outside, placing them next to a building with an overhang and let them get used to nighttime temperatures. The building and overhead cover should give you some protection. After one night outside and they are used to sun, you can plant without shocking the plant. Plant in soil when outside temperatures may go to 32 degrees but mostly stay above freezing.
When planting, use a tablespoon of bone meal in the bottom each planting hole. If you’re Vegan or don’t like to use bone meal, then Mega-Start will work. It’s 100% Organic and animal-free. It is best to root feed with Seaweed right after planting to prevent shock. Seaweed is better for shock prevention than any other product on the market.
After planting, feed seaweed and fish emulsion when they look like they need a boost. I do feed basil regularly, but for most herbs all that is needed is the good old compost once a season.
Recommended Schedule for Fertilizing and Amending Soil:
1. Bone Meal or Mega-Start -- at planting
2. Seaweed -- at planting and once a week as needed
3. Fish Emulsion -- every two weeks after planting if plants need a boost
Don't over-water or over-fertilize herbs. Most varieties have been around for millions of years and they are mostly insect and disease-free, and do just fine with very little care. Most people kill herbs by overdoing it with water and fertilizers. Also, don't plant too deep. They can germinate just below the surface of the soil. And plant early with perennials, but wait for the frost to be over with annuals.
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